10 Best SEO Reporting Tools For Agencies [2021]

10 Best SEO Reporting Tools For Agencies [2021]

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Nowadays, search engine optimization becomes very important for every business selling their products and services on the internet. Every business is trying different strategies to get their website on the top position in the search engine. In this situation, SEO reporting tools became crucial to keep track of factors helping/affecting your search engine ranking. With the help of SEO reporting tools, you can maintain all records, for instance, the position of your site for targeted keywords, how you implemented keywords are making progress in their ranking. With the help of SEO reporting tools, you can identify how much traffic is driving on your site by specific keywords.

You can maintain records of pages that are generating maximum/minimum traffic by using SEO reporting tools. That’s how SEO reporting tools come in very handy while preparing reports or tracking progress. Maintaining SEO monthly reporting can be a good idea to see changes on-site due to your SEO strategy. Later on, you can create a good search engine optimization report.  


This article will give you a basic understanding of SEO and the importance of content marketing in the digital area. Depending on some of the best SEO reporting tools can be helpful while optimizing your SEO strategies. This article will describe the key factors you should look at SEO reporting tools and learn about the 10 best SEO reporting tools. 


Basic Concept of SEO 

Before taking a look at SEO reporting tools, you should have a basic understanding of SEO. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means optimizing your site for specific keywords (targeted keywords) and other search engine ranking factors. So that whenever a user searches for that keyword or related keywords, your website will show up at the top position. SEO includes on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical SEO factors.


Why SEO in Content Marketing Matters?

SEO plays a vital role in content marketing. No matter how good you are offering products or services, if your site will not show up within the first few SERP results, users will not end up on your site. Content Marketing, along with SEO, will give you astonishing results if implemented correctly. If the content is already written, then your aim should be to analyze the SEO performance of your site by SEO reporting tools and improving your site’s SEO so that it will become profitable for your site. Optimize your content in such a way that your site should drive more users organically. 

Read More: Why is SEO important in digital marketing strategy. 

Key Elements to Look for in SEO Reporting Tools

If you are searching for the best SEO reporting tool, we have mentioned some of the most important factors that you should look at in terms of picking the right tool. 


  • The tool should have good reporting features such as it should show backlink profiles, tracking data from your competitors, tracking of positions, and analytics. 
  • It should allow third-party integration whenever required so that it can take to the next level with the new software.
  • If you are doing local SEO, you choose a tool that will correct (Close to Accurate) data of your targeted demography. 
  • Ensure that tool allow you to create custom reporting. In other words tool should allow you to export reports seamlessly.

10 Powerful SEO Reporting Tools 



Ahrefs is one of the best SEO reporting tools. Ahrefs offers main tools such as site explorer, keyword explorer, site audit, rank tracker, and content explorer. Ahrefs team collects processes and stores a large amount of data. Ahrefs discovers 30 million new pages every 24 hours. Ahref has 4 types of pricing plans :

  • Lite: $ 99 
  • Standard: $ 179 
  • Advanced: $ 399
  • Agency: $ 999



Moz provides all in one SEO reporting toolset that includes site audit, rank tracking, backlink analysis, keyword research. Moz provides some free SEO reporting tools like free domain SEO metrics, Keyword Explorer, link explorer, Moz Bar, Moz Cast. Some of these free SEO reporting tools are available with limited access. Moz local SEO pricing plans are as follow : 

  • Lite: $ 129 per year 
  • Preferred: $179 per year
  • Elite: $ 299 per year 



SEMRush offers SEO reporting tools such as keyword research, site audit, topic research, link building tool, etc. In addition, SEMRush provides 50 + tools on search engine optimization, content marketing, search engine marketing, and social media marketing. Updated pricing plans are as follow:

(Billed Annually)

  • Pro: $ 99 per month
  • Guru: $ 191 per month 
  • Business: $ 374 per month 



KWFinder is one of the best SEO reporting tools by Mangools. Mangools offers other SEO reporting tools, such as SERP Checker, SERP Watcher, Link Miner, and site profiler. In addition, they provide free SEO reporting tools like SEO Browser extension and SEO Volatility Checker. 

Pricing Plans for Mangools are as follow : 

  • Basic: $ 29 per month
  • Premium: $ 39 per month 
  • Agency : $79 per month 

Google Analytics 

If you don’t have a budget and you still need an SEO reporting tool, then google itself offers some SEO Reporting Tools that are totally free. For example, Google Analytics gives real-time analysis, traffic report, behavior, acquisition, conversion, etc. 


Google Search Console

Google Search Console also known as google webmaster. This platform by google will assist you in getting found your site on its search engine. Google Search Central provides three options to improve your site’s SEO: 1) Business or Marketer 2) Developer 3) SEO Professional. In addition, you can monitor, debug and optimize with the help of the search console for free.


Google Data Studio 

Google Data Studio is another budget-free solution. It is one of the free SEO reporting tools. You can create interactive reports based on your website performance with the help of google data studio. If you have a business dependent on data from different sources, then google data studio can be a good fit for your online business.   


Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is another SEO reporting tool that enables you to find broken links, analyze page titles, metadata, locating duplicate content, etc. It reduces time-consuming tasks related to manual work. Screaming Frog is an SEO spider tool and site crawler. It usually snatches SEO elements from the site’s pages for analysis. And you can export these analysis reports to some other programs also. It can even generate an XML sitemap also. You can connect this SEO reporting tool with google analytics for more insights. It has a free and paid version. Pricing plans for the screaming Frog are as follow: 

  • Free: Up to 500 URLs
  • Paid: $ 210 per year (Unlimited URLs) 



Kissmetrics provide more insights than free SEO reporting tools such as google analytics, google webmaster. It provides a tool for tracking customer behavior on your site. It gives insights into a customer at every stage of your website visit. It can track unique events on your site. It can perform some of those functions that google analytics cannot perform. Kissmetrics provide a unique cohort report which is useful to measure monthly recurring revenue. Pricing plans for the kissmetrics are as follow: 

For E-commerce & SAAS : 

  • Silver: $ 299 per month
  • Gold: $ 499 per month
  • Platinum: Custom Billing (Depends Upon Requirement)  



This is another SEO reporting tool that helps in spying on competitors’ sites and optimizing content accordingly. Spyfu gives you the power to analyze what is working best for your competitors and what is not. You will have an unfair advantage over your competitors to understand their SEO strategy. Pricing plans for Spyfu are as follows : 

  • Basic: Annual – $ 33 per month

                        Monthly – $ 39 per month

  • Professional: Annual – $ 58 per month

                       Monthly – $ 79 per month

  • Team : Annual – $ 199 per month

                     : Monthly – $ 299 per month


Conclusion :

SEO Reporting tools will play a vital role while tracking the growth of your SEO strategy. If you have your report ready, then you will notice clear before/after results. In addition, website performance can be tracked easily with the help of a report. You can select the good-fit SEO reporting tools for your site and keep records of the crucial metrics so that you can see the growth of your website.

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