There has been a global rise in the influence and shift of consumer purchasing preference in today’s world and consumers are increasingly looking for telematics solutions, namely in automobiles. Telematics, navigation technology, audio-video solutions, Bluetooth, WiFi, and intelligent driving solutions are just a few of the advanced telematics solutions witnessing rising demand from consumers.

In response to the growing demand for high-performing passenger vehicles in the last few years, the global automotive telematics market has witnessed fast-tracked benefits and profit. Aided by the rapid automotive industry growth forecast in countries such as India, China, Japan, and Russia, the automotive telematics solutions manufacturers will see substantial opportunities to capitalize and expand in the near term.


tCognition is a world-class Telematics Solution Provider capable of creating and implementing custom, industry-specific telematics solutions. We provide solutions for fleet telematics, security, connected vehicles, mobile apps, diagnostics, emissions reporting, renewable energy, and smart cities in the insurance, entertainment, automotive, distribution, and transportation industries.

The demand for advanced telematics solutions is on track to continue its rise in the coming days, weeks, and months, especially as the demand for high-performing passenger vehicles continues to advance. tCognition’s solutions combine the interoperability and flexibility of the consumer world with the high quality, efficiency, and technology of the automotive world.

Visit our site to check out our offerings and take a look through some of our telematics-specific case studies, here.

Solutions we provide

  •  Fleet Telematics
  •  Security
  •  Connected Vehicles
  •  Mobile Apps
  •  Diagnostics
  •  Emissions Reporting
  •  Renewable Energy
  • Smart Cities

Industries we serve

  •  Insurance
  •  Entertainment
  •  Automotive
  •  Distribution
  •  Transportation
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