Katy Area Running Club


The project involves redesigning and developing the Katy Area Running Club website to enhance its appeal and functionality. The objective is to create a modern and user-friendly website that reflects the spirit of the running club and provides a comprehensive resource for local runners. The redesigned website will feature a responsive design, membership, and events management systems, social media integration, a payment gateway, and a store management system for club merchandise.


The solution for the Katy Area Running Club website includes a modern and user-friendly design that captures the essence of the running community. The new website will be built using CMS WordPress, making it easy for club members and visitors to access relevant information. With a responsive design, the website will be accessible on various devices. It will have a membership management system for seamless application and communication with members, and an events management system to create and promote running events. Social media integration will extend the club's reach, while a payment gateway will facilitate online transactions for memberships and merchandise purchases. Additionally, a store management system will be implemented to handle club clothing and accessories. Lastly, an automated data transfer system will ensure data from forms is correctly transferred to the mailing system, making updates and communication efficient.

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